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SSIS - Foreach Loop Container and Execute SQL Task

Possibly save 2 hours of your time: When you work on SSIS to do ETL, you may often encounter the need to loop through some records and process each record one at a time.
You can use the following steps:
  • Execute SQL Task - Get the records that need to be processed
  • Foreach Loop Container - Loop through each record
    • Execute SQL Task - Process one record at a time
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Create two user variables:

  • i.e. CollectionIDs (Object) - One for collection of the IDs to be processed
  • i.e. CollectionID (Int32) – the current ID to be processed


The following will get the Full result set based on a select query. In this case as you can see on the SQLStatement, we select a primary key ID column from a table based on some criteria input. i.e. select ID from someTable i inner join anotherTable d on i.SourceID = d.SourceID where d.Title = ?

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You may use a parameter input via Parameter Mapping in your query (i.e. select id from table where name = 'someVariable').

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Now you want to store your Result Set into a user variable for looping through later.

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In the Foreach Loop Editor, you can use Foreach ADO Enumerator, and select the collection user variable.

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We want to a user variable to store the current processed id.

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You can specify a query or stored procedure to process each record.

i.e. [schema].[usp_ProcessRecord] NULL, ?

The above example has two input variables where one is always NULL and the ? represents an input parameter.

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In this example, the input is a large integer.

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