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  • mcchu28

Announcing ML.NET 0.5


Nov. 23, 2018 - Ed Charbeneau - Blazor and ML.NET sample project

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  • .NET Standard 2.0.3 reference ML.NET 0.7.0
  • 70% training and 30% test data (actual data)

Taxi Fare Sample
  • https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/machine-learning/tutorials/taxi-fare
  • Console app - reference Nuget Microsoft.ML package
  • features and label (i.e. FareAmount)
  • train - read the data, transform the data
  • fast tree - regression learner
  • evaluation metric for regression model - RSquared (closer to 1 the better the model is)
  • evaluation metric for regression model - Rms (the lower it is the better the model)
  • Function input (TaxiTrip) => output TaxiTripFarePrediction
Taxi Service
  • load model into MLContext

Blazor Server side (Razor Component)
  • Blazor Server side is compatible with ML.NET as a dll service.

Blazor client side (web assembly)
  • cannot add ML.NET as a reference
  • challenge on how to read the model file
  • whether blazor will crap out when running the service dll


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