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What is a human coronavirus infection?


There are a number of different coronaviruses. There are coronaviruses that only affect animals. But then, there are also coronaviruses that affect humans only. In the case of the recently discovered virus known as novel coronavirus (COVID-19), it was a virus that originated from animals that have since transferred to humans.

Based on deduction, the transfer happened in December 2019 in a wet market in Wuhan City, where the first few COVID-19 victims were discovered. The market was known to slaughter animals, including exotic ones, for food. The market was also known for its unsanitary practices. Since the spread of the virus originated in China, the country has the highest number of COVID-19 cases with 80,761. The death toll has reached 3,136.

Human coronaviruses result in respiratory illness. Among the most known coronaviruses are SARS, MERS and COVID-19. The virus spreads easily through respiratory droplets. So if a person with COVID-19 coughs or sneezes, anyone within six feet who inhales the infected respiratory droplets could contract the disease. This is why those who share an enclosed space with an infected person are in danger. This is what happened with the cruise ship Diamond Princess. Close to 700 passengers contracted the virus and seven of them died.

Symptoms of those with COVID-19 are fever, cough and shortness of breath. The symptoms can start showing from two to 14 days after having been infected.

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