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Research >> Survival >> Best Cloth Mask for Coronavirus >> Does cloth mask prevent coronavirus?
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Does cloth mask prevent coronavirus?


Yes, a reusable and washable cloth mask may be used as an option to N95 and surgical masks that are badly needed and should be prioritized to medical and health workers and hospitals but it would have to be washed with soap and water as much as possible every each use.

Cloth masks although not as effective as the surgical masks or in the same manner that surgical masks are not as effective as the N95 masks. It’s still five times better than not donning any mask at all.

In addition to the help of cloth masks to reduce the spread of COVID-19, it should work in conjunction with practicing proper hygiene of handwashing with soap for at least 20 seconds and it should be rinsed with running water to flush any bacteria out.

It is also advised to abide by the 6-feet social distancing that remains important to slow the spread of the virus.  

CDC has additionally advised the use of simple cloth face mask or covering to slow the spread of the virus and to help people who might be infected but are asymptomatic and are not aware that they can transmit it to others.

Cloth face masks are more accessible and available since they’re made from common materials at low cost and can be of great help as an additional public health precautionary measure.

To make sure a cloth mask would be effective, choose one with at least two layers in it.

It’s now obligatory to wear a mask in public places and it won’t be bad after all. Wear it properly, make sure to responsibly wash your cloth mask frequently, continue to wash your hands and to keep your hands off your face, and to practice social distancing.

Believe that it’s the best to be safe and protected and to keep your sense of security amidst COVID-19.

You can find cloth face mask on Amazon.

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